Thursday, March 12, 2009

Plague Update 3/ 12/ 09

Mercy's on the way up... Bethany's officially sick. So far we are keeping her hydrated enough to stay at home, thankfully. I am exhausted, but glad to be here instead of a hospital, even if all I can do is hold Bethie.

To the local readers... thanks for the offers of help. We are doing fine... I have a freezer full of frozen meals, and I grocery shopped last week before going to the hospital with Mercy. Eric is still healthy, so he has been able to do little runs as needed. I really think that anyone not NEEDING to interact with us should stay away! Maybe then we will not pass this on... I love to share, but I'd rather it not be illnesses,thank you.

In other news... it's snowing. The kids are excited. I am glad that they don't know that public schools get the day off... I'd much rather take off for nice days when the kids can be outside...


  1. You are doing such a great job keeping it together! Keep up the good work:-)

  2. Carri,
    Glad Mercy is feeling better, Praying for the baby...Chase is under the weather tonight, please pray for him.

